Silent Auction

Silent Auction Details

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The silent auction is running in conjuction with our April 21, 2025 golf outing. The online auction will end April 20, 2025. Any last bids will be taken at the golf outing. If you are unable to attend the day of the outing, please contact Will. We are showcasing our items for the auction online for those to see prior to the golf outing. If you are interested in placing a bid for any of the items shown, please contact Will Vanettes with any questions or bid amounts at +1-626-780-3840 or

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Paintings by Sherry Roper. Each painting is valued at $2500.

painting 1
painting 2
painting 3

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4 Los Angeles Kings tickets. Estimated value $800. Section 117 - Row 7 - Seats 5, 6, 7, 8


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